Sanchez Saves the Starving Rock Star!
"'Powers might as well hail K-Rock as an arm of the revolution,' sighs the put-upon Sister of Sanchez," the put-upon Sister of Sanchez sighed. Though, come to think of it, K-Rock sure did help Rage Against the Machine sell a lot of shirts with Che Guevara's mug on them, and that's power to the people, right? But absentminded Sanchez digresses. What Powers seems to be missing is that neither Metallica nor fellow Napster-denouncer Dr. Dre need really worry about their bucks?rather, the musicians who stand to lose their shirts are the artier set, the bulk of whose paying audience is drawn from the college students with whom Napster is such a huge hit. Helpful Sanchez suggests that if Powers really wants Kid Rock to have all the available cash from the teenage allowances of America, she simply start canvassing for direct donations; and if she really wants to eliminate specialty independent labels, she invest in an elephant gun! Furthermore, the most immediate casualty of the file-sharing revolution will probably make a direct impact on Powers'?and every other critic's?wallet: what label in its right mind is going to send out an advance copy of any release to any reviewer if doing so all but ensures instant, worldwide bootlegging? Though Sanchez can see the benefit of taking away all the free CDs from the writers, thus eliminating the single perk of the job and thereby?trembling Sanchez is beside himself!?eliminating the profession itself! "'Now why would nasty Sanchez try to make Bob Christgau cry?' scolds the peaceloving Sister of Sanchez," the peaceloving Sister of Sanchez scolded. Anyway, fatalistic Sanchez shouldn't let his blood boil over this stuff: it's clear to clear-eyed Sanchez that very soon all music will become shareware?any artist who doesn't want to aim for TRL or who won't (or can't) live on tour (and profitably so!) must be content with merely being a hobbyist, and those who don't know enough about computers to download the free shit will be paying $80 for a CD.
NEXT: Sanchez declares victory! Billy Corgan announces a Smashing Pumpkins breakup due to an inability to "fight the good fight against the Britneys"! Superhappy Sanchez provides complimentary beverages for the entire Tri-State area!