Out & About
Thu 31
Matana Roberts presents: red, white and blue(s)Whitney Museum of American Art, 99 Gansevoort St.
9 p.m. Adults, $50; members, students and seniors, $45.
The experimentalist, composer and improviser returns to the Whitney for a New Year’s Eve ensemble performance and celebration.
212-570-3600. whitney.org/Events/MatanaRobertsPresents
Pirates of Penzance New York University, Skirball Center for the Performing Arts, 566 LaGuardia Place
7:30 p.m.
New York Gilbert & Sullivan Players
212-998-4941. events.nyu.edu/#event_id/71655/view/event
Fri 1
“Come Calling”Merchant’s House Museum, 29 East Fourth St.
2 to 5 p.m. $20
Come by for tours of the house, 19th century readings about New Year’s Day celebrations, and punch and confectionery. Holiday Raffle drawing at 4:30 p.m.
212-777-1089. merchantshouse.org/
Iconic Views of Central Park TourCentral Park, North Meadow Recreation Center, Dairy Visitor Center, mid-Park between 64th and 65th Street.
11 a.m. $15 (Members $10).
Take our signature tour, and let Central Park Conservancy guides give you an insider’s look at some of the most iconic features of the world’s greatest urban park.
Sat 2
Futurographies: Cambodia-USA-FranceArnold and Sheila Aronson Galleries, Sheila C. Johnson Design Center, 66 Fifth Ave.
Noon-6 p.m., through Jan. 10
this multi-media exhibition explores another set of parallel histories in which alternate futures were (and are) written, proposed and even determined.
Kindred Spirits: Vasily Kandinsky and Frank Lloyd WrightSolomon R. Guggenheim Museum, 1071 Fifth Ave.
2 p.m. Free with admission and meet on the rotunda floor. No RSVP is required.
Led by Filip Noterdaeme, gallery educator.
212-423-3618. guggenheim.org/new-york/calendar-and-events/2016/01/05/art-in-the-round-exhibition-tour-21/5833
Sun 3
American Dance Machine for the 21st CenturyThe Joyce Theater, 175 Eighth Ave.
2 & 7:30 p.m. Starting at $10 at 212-242-0800. All other tickets can be purchased online
A living archive of musical theater dance, ADM21 reconstructs original choreography from revered musicals for an enchanting new program filled with live music and special guest stars.
212-691-9740. www.joyce.org/performance/american-dance-machine-for-the-21st-century-2/#.Vm9fWUorLIU
Healthy Materials Lab: What’s Inside?Anna-Maria and Stephen Kellen Gallery, Sheila C. Johnson Design Center, 2 West 13th St.
In the windows of the Kellen Gallery: What’s inside the various products that make up our daily environment? A display by the Parsons Healthy Materials Lab of common building materials.
Mon 4
The Rubin Museum of Art, 150 West 17th St. Meet at the base of the spiral staircase in the main lobby.
2-3 p.m. Free for visitors 65 and older
Make connections with the art on view in the galleries through lively group discussion and creative writing. Program is facilitated by Nina Goss, a teacher of creative writing at Fordham University.
212-620-5000. rubinmuseum.org/events/event/senior-day-writing-workshop-01-04-2016
Free tax helpManhattan Community College, 199 Chambers St., Fiterman Hall, roms 508 & 509
Jan. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 13 & 14; 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. Free
Free tax help from IRS-certified volunteers for people who generally make $53,000 or less, persons with disabilities, the elderly and limited English-speaking taxpayers.
Tue 5
“The Wasteland” Slide-Choreography VideoAnthology Film Archives, 32 Second Ave., corner of East Second Street
3 p.m. Free
Judith Barnes and Peter Ludwig are featured readers of T.S. Eliot’s “The Wasteland,” with video images chosen and choreographed by Nancy Bogen. The video also includes music by New York-based composer Richard Brooks.
516-586-3433. anthologyfilmarchives.org/
Clarity, Passion and Dark Inertia: Paintings by Eric DeverKimmel Center for University Life, 60 Washington Square South
8 a.m.-midnight
An exhibition of 29 paintings which brings the viewer on a journey, similar to the path of the artist himself.
Wed 6
Community Board 4Roosevelt Hospital, 1000 Tenth Ave., between 58th and 59th Streets
Full board meeting
Big Dance TheaterThe Kitchen, 512 West 19th St.
8 p.m., January 6–9, 13–16. $25
The company returns to its dance roots for its 25th anniversary celebration, theatrically re-imagining the conventions of a repertory program.
212-255-5793. www.thekitchen.org/event/big-dance-short-form