“Stop ‘n’ Swap” event on Sunday

| 07 Jun 2016 | 02:59

City dwellers who want free up some precious room or are looking for a bargain might want to drop by the Chelsea “Stop ‘n’ Swap” event on Sunday, June 12.

Residents can bring clean, portable and reusable items to share with those who can use them or come by the Elliott Community Center at 441 West 26th St. to see what’s worth taking home.

Books, toys, fashionable clothing, housewares and electronics will be available at the center from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

“Everyone knows New Yorkers have the coolest stuff. And you can find it at Stop ‘N’ Swap!” GrowNYC Executive Director Marcel Van Ooyen said in a press release. “These events bring neighbors together and reduce the city’s carbon footprint by facilitating reuse and encouraging waste reduction.”

Items leftover at the end of the swap will be donated or recycled. Furniture and other large items will not accepted.

More information is at www.GrowNYC.org/swap