The summer bucket List Our Take

Memorial Day is behind us, and this year’s was glorious.
New Yorkers, still traumatized by a dreadful winter, turned out en masse last weekened to claim their place on every available patch of grass, park bench and beach towel. There was joy to be found outside, and we were right there in it.
It’s more than just the weather. The coming summer also gives us all a chance to exhale, after what has been an exhausting, draining few months: The continuing tension with the police, the frustration over a New York economy wishboning in opposite directions, the rise of petty crime and homelessness on the streets. They are all real issues and won’t fade away in the sunshine; indeed, some of them may get worse.
But these months nevertheless give us all a chance to take a breather, a moment to refresh. And it is in that spirit that next month kicks off our first annual Summer Bucket List series.
Beginning in June, look for stories about New Yorkers spending their summer in ways they’ve always dreamed about, but never pulled off: tackling the Appalachian Trail, napping in Bryant Park, taking up bocce ball, fishing in New York harbor.
The bucket list can be grandiose or simple, pricey or free. The only requirement is it can only happen in summer -- and only in New York.
So what’s on your list? Send us your stories and ideas at, post them on our Facebook page, or tweet us at #summerbucketlist. Now go outside.