Party’s on – Come to the Book Signing and Launch Party for Bobby Ochs’s just-published book, “Bobby Ochs, Kid From the Bronx and Restaurant Partner to the Stars.” He’ll talk about growing up near Yankee Stadium and opposite The College Rec Room where he spent many a school day shooting pool. And about the years he partnered with Patrick Swayze at Mulholland Drive Cafe. With Marla Maples at Peaches. With Britney Spears at Nyla. And more. It’s a fun read and you’ll have a fun evening.
So save the date: Thursday, Sept 15 from 5 to 7 p.m. in the courtyard at 245 East 80th St. – Rain date, Monday, Sept 19 from 5 to 7 p.m.
Meet Bobby. Buy a book. Have a drink. Enjoy his retro meatball recipe. RSVP to bobbyo613@aol.com.
See you there.
Panek prevails – I got this one right when I predicted that the Manhattan Democrat County Committee would elect Gabe Panek to replace Alex Bores as Male District Leader in the 76th Assembly District, Part B. And they did. By a unanimous vote. Our town needs leaders like Gabe. He’s smart. He’s a community organizer. An activist. And committed to public service. Way to go.
There was always Carolyn Maloney – She was first elected to the City Council in 1983 and served until 1992 when she was elected to Congress having won the seat from the popular Republican incumbent Bill Green. And she was elected non-stop for almost 30 years until Jerry Nadler won the newly reconfigured 12th CD. Nobody worked harder than Carolyn Maloney for her district. She was always hands-on. Always made herself and her staff available for constituent service in the districts she’s represented in parts of Manhattan, Roosevelt Island, Queens and Brooklyn. In the City Council and in Congress, Maloney has always been a strong advocate and proponent and an indefatigable policy maker. She was the first woman to represent NYC’s 7th Council district (where she was the first woman to give birth while in office). That daughter Virginia was a strong presence on her campaign. Virginia and her older sister Cristina (whose new baby Leo made Maloney a first-time grandmother) stood alongside Maloney as she conceded to Jerry Nadler. This was her first and only loss in 30 years. And it’s everyone’s loss.
I’ll miss you, Carolyn Maloney, and thank you for your exemplary representation all these many years.